Why Westlaw Canada?
Find all on-point cases, faster
No need to wade through duplicate or non-relevant cases. Search results provide the most relevant cases faster.
Get up to speed on legal issues faster
Whether you simply need a quick refresher or you’re dealing with an unfamiliar area of law, Westlaw Canada has superior tools and resources to get up to speed quickly.
Stay current, easier
Keep up to date with the latest legal developments and changes in the law with customizable alert management tools. Track individual bills or bills relating to specific statutes for deeper, more efficient research.
Build winning litigation strategies
Combine litigation-focused research with practice-specific tools to support your strategic decisions and automate your most tedious tasks.
Draft air-tight legal documents faster
Create an efficient legal drafting workspace. Take the risk of repurposing precedent documents. Drafting tools give you an ideal starting point in the legal drafting process.
Reduce the time it takes to get a complete answer
In one place, you can search and browse all the case law, legislation, commentary, practice notes, and annotated precedents you need to do your best work. More focus, less legwork. It’s time well spent.